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2019 Word of the Year

Has everyone heard of this new trend? Instead of new years resolutions, people are choosing words of the year. One word to influence and guide your daily intention for the next 365 days. Like most things, I jumped on this trend. I like it. I used to spend much of December 30-January 2nd creating a list of all these things I wanted to accomplish in the next year. Many of these things, if you asked me February 11th, I would not be able to recall, well maybe 1 or 2 of them I could, but there were usually 12 or more.

So this year, I have chosen a word. This word is often found in-twined in my goals. My word for 2019 is:

So, what does this word mean for me in terms of my plans for 2019? well here's my thoughts:

Appreciate my kids: Spend quality time with them, support their interests, encourage them to try new things, give them responsibilities.

Appreciate my spouse: Prioritize date nights, encourage his hobbies, show my gratitude for what he does for our family daily. 

Appreciate myself: Take care of myself physically and mentally. Tune into what I want my life to look like and work for it. Create time for myself and start a daily gratitude practice.  

Appreciate my friends and their collective tribes: Don't take them for granted. Schedule regular calls with my distant ones and plan get togethers for those closer. Don't let time be an excuse to not prioritize my friends that mean the most. 

Appreciate my abilities and skills and share them: Volunteer, blog, donate, support, coach, and influence others. 

Appreciate my family: Be grateful for the time that I have with them. Include them in as much as I can and as much as they want to be. Learn from them. Don't over plan vacations with them, just allow them to unfold. 

Appreciate my bodies strength: Push myself beyond what I have in the past, try hard things, stretch. Recognize that mental strength is just as important as physical.  

Appreciate my down time: Don't over plan every day. Spend some time reading, having a bath, relaxing, just enjoying a drink and a view. Downtime is a chance to dream.

Appreciate money: Be thankful for the money that I have, the money I earn, and the money I have the opportunities to earn. Make sure that every dollar has a purpose and that I am using it to build confidence not stress. 

Appreciate my dreams and my interests: Pursue them, stop being fearful of the steps necessary to make them come true. Write them down, stop letting them just float in my head. Make action steps. Keep dreaming. Stop being embarrassed for what they are.  

So that ten letter word brought on all ten things I want to focus on appreciating this year. For the record, the ten and ten was a coincidence..just like my kids having the same number of letters in their names... 

Words of the year are becoming so popular, you can even have it engraved on a bracelet, t-shirt, hat, etc. I'm not sure I'm ready to walk around with the word APPRECIATE written on my shirt...

Do you have a word for the year? 


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