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Showing posts from December, 2018

Creating time for Exercise

I am a mom of 2 (a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl), I am a full time teacher, a tutor, a blogger, and a lover of running, yoga, and working out. I am busy, yes, and I could easily come up with numerous excuses as to why this point in my life is not the right time to have an exercise routine. Here are my top three excuses that still run through my head DAILY: My kids & dog rarely sleep through the night. Most nights all of them are ending up in my bed. Which means I have been woken up throughout the night when they initially needed me and then woken up through the nights as I get kicked repeatedly while they sleep peacefully. Morning routine is hectic! Our kids are not the fastest in the morning getting ready, and one is super difficult to wake up. Waking her up generally requires a lot of cuddling from mommy, not ideal if mommy needs to shower and get herself out the door too. I’ll workout after the kids go to bed… Who am I kidding, after the morning routine chaos,

New Years Eve Tree in 6 Easy Steps

We have yet to go out for NYE since having kids, so that means we have been celebrating at home for the last 4 years. I tend to jump at the idea of making holidays like this as special as possible no matter what the kids age. So, 4 years ago, we began the tradition of having a NYE tree. How do you make a NYE tree? It’s really quite simple. Step 1: Un-decorate your christmas tree, leaving only the lights on. Step 2: Buy a few NYE decorations from the dollar store to put on the tree. I usually put a top hat at the top of the tree and then some mardi-gras beads strung on the tree randomly, and gold ribbon or garland. Make sure to leave lots of room for balloons! Step 3: Choose 10 activities, one for inside each balloon. Here are some suggestions, but there are many on Pinterest as well! Light sprinklers Dance party Make a resolution Clock scavenger hunt Eat dinner Make sundaes NYE connect the dots Decorate cookies Coloring sheet Family picture Noise makers Pin