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Showing posts from May, 2019

Just say F it

Let me share a story. Brinley was 1 and we were going apply picking. My Mom had just knit Brin and I matching sweaters, at my request. Dressed in these matching sweaters, jeans and turquoise rubber boots we headed out for our family adventure. Can you see where this is going? We got out of the car at the same time as 2 random females strangers did and I overheard the following comments. “Wow, they are in matching outfits” (certainly not said in a cute or excited tone) “Why would you want to do that?!” (In a confused and disgusted tone) And those two comments right there ended our Mommy and Me outfits…. until I met Emily King. She introduced me to fuck it lists. She inspired me to make lists of things I don’t do or I’m ashamed of doing simply because of others opinions, which also reminds me of this quote from Rachel Hollis: “Others people’s opinions of you are none of your business” ~Rachel Hollis At first I put a couple things on this list at

What if we LOVED our body?

What if? What if we loved our bodies for who they allow us to be, for what they allow us to do and learn. For growing with us and responding to our emotions, environment, and choices What if we love it for the times it has done more then we could have imagined and slowed us down when we inevitably needed to? What if we stopped worrying about the parts we don't like and started CELEBRATING  the parts we do. What if we treated our bodies like we loved it, what would that look like? Would you go for more massages? Would you go to a chiropractor? Would you buy natural lotions and creams to soothe it? Would you ever forget sunscreen? Would you eat a balanced diet and not deprive yourself of nutrients or treats your body craves? Would you pay more attention to how your body responds to food and listen? Would you challenge it to learn and do things you haven't before, like we do with our minds? Would you do more yoga and less cardio? Would you buy that t